شاركونا المصادر التي تستخدموها لتحديد المشكلة

ندعوكم لمشاركتنا بمصادر ترون انها تساعد على تحديد المشكلة. نتمنى منكم مشاركتها مع مجتمع التكتيكات الجديدة

 روابط لمواقع الكترونية لهذه المصادر*

معلومات حول المصادر*

توصياتكم وتجاربكم في حال ما استخدمتم هذه المصادر*

هذه المصادر جزء من خطوة تحديد المشكلة




Sometimes it is helpful to reverse engineer the problem by starting with the solution. For example, facilitators can frame the discussion in terms of an ideal end state and then work backwards from there along a time line to the present. As the group moves backward from the utopian vision, a series of subgoals can be notched and set into sequence bridging the present moment with the desired future. 


Elise Boulding used this approach some decades ago, drawing from the work of Fred Polak. It also has some resemblance to George Lakey's work in the early days of MNS and in his book "Powerful Peacemaking." In all three instances, the group's emphasis is on achievement of a positive vision, rather than reaction to events or opposition.


My personal experience is that some groups find this approach more difficult, however. It can also be time consuming.

