Before you decide to use a tactic, take the time to think about these questions. There are no right or wrong answers. But your answers will help you choose a tactic that supports your strategy.
- Have I ever seen or used a tactic like this?
- Can I use some part of this tactic?
- What might this tactic help my organization do?
- How could this tactic help me achieve my goals?
- How risky would this tactic be for my organization or me? Am I prepared to accept the level of risk involved in this tactic? How can I reduce the risks that may be involved in using this tactic?
- Is this tactic right for my issue and situation?
- Was it successful? Why or why not?
- What resources would I need? What resources do I already have? How can I get those resources that I don’t have?
- Will this tactic have the intended effect on my target?
- Has this tactic already been used on my target?
- What alliances would I need to make to use this tactic? How can I make those alliances?
- How might those who oppose my issue react to this tactic?
- Can I combine this tactic with other tactics?
- What is my back-up plan?
- What would I do if this tactic doesn’t work the way I expect it to?