Holding an International Tribunal to Raise Awareness of and Seek Reparations for Sexual War Crimes

The Violence Against Women in War Network, Japan (VAWW-NET) created a tribunal to acknowledge and seek justice for victims of sexual war crimes. In the first half of the twentieth century, the Japanese government created a system of sexual slavery through a network of “comfort stations.” These brothel facilities were controlled by the military. An estimated 400,000 women and girls were forced into the system. For close to 50 years, the atrocity remained behind a veil of silence.

Establishing the Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal

In 1998, VAWW-NET proposed the establishment of the Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal. An In­ternational Organizing Committee (the IOC) was formed. It included representatives from nongovernmental organizations in victims’ home countries, Japan and the international community. The IOC created a charter, set the procedures and rules for the tribunal and prepared for proceedings in Tokyo in December 2000.

At the tribunal, prosecution teams from ten countries presented indictments, including a joint indictment from North and South Korea. A four-judge panel representing a balanced geographic and legal spectrum presided over the proceedings. The tribunal heard live and videotaped testimony from survivors, euphemistically called “com­fort women,” as well as from two former soldiers. Experts also testified about Japanese military structure. The judges reviewed official documents, memoirs, diaries and legal briefs. The tribunal hall was packed throughout the proceedings with up to 1,000 observers and members of the international media. After three days, the tribunal issued preliminary findings of fact and law and recommended reparations.

The tribunal created a historical record and raised awareness in the international community about sexual war crimes. The government of Japan, with the citizens of Japan, set up the Asian Women’s Fund (AWF) in 1995 to express its apologies and remorse, and to provide compensation to victims. Although the fund has raised 483 million yen (approximately US$4 million) for victims, many survivors and supporters view the AWF as a means for the Japanese government to avoid paying direct compensation; some of the victims have declined compensation from this private fund.

What we can learn from this Tactic:

The international tribunal organized by an Asian network highlighted the issue of "comfort women," breaking years of silence and raising awareness of their suffering. While it drew attention and donations for victims, it failed to compel the Japanese government to provide direct compensation. Such tribunals can serve as powerful platforms to address various abuses, build momentum for broader international efforts, and create opportunities for communities to share their stories, as demonstrated by Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights' mock tribunal on the Khmer Rouge, which educated locals about Cambodian genocide survivors. This approach not only preserves history but also fosters understanding and empathy in new communities.
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