Strategic Effectiveness Method

Our work is to help human rights defenders be more successful in creating change in their communities. To do that, we’ve developed an approach to strategic effectiveness that helps human rights defenders develop strategies for their work and then provides inspiration and ideas for tactics that can support the strategy.

Through the process, human rights defenders gain a better understanding of:

  • Their context, including the people and organizations that make the situation what it is
  • Their own strengths and weaknesses
  • Their allies and opponents.

The Strategic Effectiveness Methodology:

Step 1: Identify the problem. What do you want to change? What human rights violation would you like to address?

Step 2: Create a vision. What do you want to be different in the future? What is inspiring you in your work? How will you know you are successful?

Step 3: Map the terrain. How do you evaluate your situation? What individuals and groups are connected to this problem? How do the individuals and groups relate and interact with each other? What are their goals?

Step 4: Explore tactics. What is your focus? Which tactics can have the greatest impact?

Step 5: Take action. How are you going to put the tactics together in a plan so you can achieve your goal?

Use our online Strategy Toolkit which provides you and your organization with resources, exercises and tools for developing your strategy and selecting effective tactics.