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Tactics Database: Ideas & Inspiration to Achieve Your Human Rights Goals
Below, we have over 250 examples of successful human rights tactics. Browse all of our tactics or use the filters below to search by tactical aim, human right, tactical action, location or keyword.


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Tactical Aim
Human Right
Article 7: Equality before the law
Tactical Action
Building awareness,Reducing fear
Senegal,Sub-Saharan Africa
Tactical Aim
Human Right
Tactical Action
Healing from abuse,Remembering victims & abuses,Seeking justice
Senegal,Sub-Saharan Africa
Download our book:  New Tactics in Human Rights: A Resource for Practitioners, containing 80 stories of successful tactics used for human rights work (available in 19 languages).

Stories & Victories

Organizations and movements around the world are advancing their advocacy goals with innovative strategies and tactics. Check out these stories of success that include tactical case studies and campaigns that have utilized the New Tactics methodology to advance their work.