Survey: Conversation topics for Seeking Justice

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UPDATE: The results of this survey

This survey was completed by 23 people and we calculated the results by assigning 2 points to each 'very relavent' vote, 1 point for each 'somewhat relevant' vote and 0 for 'not relevant'. The most popular topics are:

  1. Using video and images for evidence / Collecting evidence of human rights violations (37 points)
  2. Tactics to uncover the truth (37 points)
  3. Technology in transitional justice (33 points)
  4. Engaging regional human rights mechanisms (32 points)
  5. Documenting and archiving records of events (32 points)

Other topics were:

  • Tactics to secure reparations and redress (27 points)
  • Coordinating a national dialogue (reconciliation) (29 points)
  • Truth and transitional justice programs (30 points)
  • Truth and reconciliation processes (31 points)
  • Using the international justice system (30 points)

Potential dates for these discussions are:

  • April 14 to 18
  • May 19 to 23
  • June 9 to 13

The next step is to identify practitioners and organizations who have experience, expertise or interest in these topics to help lead these discussions. So please let me know if you are interested in this role by contacting me!


Kristin Antin, New Tactics Online Community Builder


A popular theme for our 2014 conversations (as chosen by the community) is Seeking Justice.

After human rights violations have taken place, there is often a strong motivation to seek justice for victims. Many groups around the world have been working at the local, national and international levels to bring perpetrators to justice, demand acknowledgement of crimes, and secure compensation for victims. Through tactics of redress, societies can begin to come to terms with past human rights abuses and send a message to future perpetrators that they will be brought to justice. Explore our tactic examples and resources related to Seeking Justice.