Phasing Out Child Labor in the Garment Industry and Providing Education for Ex-workers

The use of child labor across many industries continues to be difficult to eradicate. The Child Labor Project set out to eliminate child labor in the Bangladesh garment industry. The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers’ and Exporters’ Association (BGMEA), in collaboration with the International Labor Organization (ILO) and UNICEF, developed the project. They wanted to end child labor in the 2,500 member factories, and to provide an alternative to former child laborers in the form of an education program.

Education, Micro-Credit and Monitoring

During its first survey in 1995, monitoring teams visited about 2,100 factories. They found that child labor was being used in approximately 42.5% of garment factories. By 2000, it fell to 4.5%. The goals of the project included ensuring that former child workers could return to their positions in the garment industry once they reached legal age.

In 1995, the BGMEA, ILO, and UNICEF entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This served as a basis for the implementation of the Child Labor Project. The U.S. Department of Labor funded the project.

The first component of the Child Labor Project was the provision of three years of informal education for former child workers. The goal was to mainstream these children into the formal Bangladeshi educational system. Through the course of the project, UNICEF and two non-governmental organizations created 353 schools. Over 9,740 children had enrolled before May 1998. The BGMEA also undertook to offer employment to qualified family members. They also provided them with access to micro-credit systems. This increased their incomes and reduced their dependency on wages earned by child workers.

The second part of the project was a monitoring and verification system. This was established to gain an understanding of the extent of child labor in Bangladeshi garment factories. They also needed to monitor progress toward the elimination of the practice. The ILO trained inspectors to advise factory owners and managers. The inspectors shared benefits of the Project and the need to end child labor. The inspectors were not trained as “police” force. Their factory visits engendered some level of trust between the inspectors and factory owners. The inspectors focused solely on the use of child labor. They did not address working conditions, wages, or other employment issues.

Success and Expansion to Other Industries

The success of the Child Labor Project in Bangladesh has led to the implementation of modified versions of this project by the ILO in Pakistan, East Asia, Africa, and Central America. Similar to the BGMEA version, the new applications of the project all combine social protection programs for former child workers and their families. Local NGOs carry out the program with a monitoring system run by the ILO.

The new projects focus specifically on the coffee and commercial agricultural industries. The lessons learned by the organizations involved in the Bangladeshi project have led to some changes.

The elimination of the monthly stipend payment for ex-child workers. This was because of the cost involved. This related to the lack of sustainability of that component of the project. Instead, they receive access to vocational training and micro-credit for their families.

Lessons Learned from Challenges

The Child Labor Project in Bangladesh faced a couple of challenges in its implementation. First, once children reach age 14, they can legally work. To encourage children to stay in school there was a need to continue providing a stipend. This increased the costs of the project. Questions arose about the sustainability of such an approach.

Second, the role of employers. Another important consideration in implementing this type of project is the importance of the role played by employers in this process. The BGMEA and ILO stressed the significance of having employers’ cooperation in order to develop a successful and sustainable project.

Third, and related, consideration is the pressure that the Bangladeshi garment industry was facing. This pressure resulted from a bill proposed by Senator Tom Harkin in the U.S. Senate in 1993. The bill proposed a ban on imports from countries that used child labor at any stage of production. While it did not pass at that time, this had an impact with the resulting negative publicity. And the threat of a ban on selling its garments in the U.S. played a part in the industry’s willingness to cooperate with the project.

What we can learn from this Tactic:

Eliminating child labor required a holistic approach. This tactic integrated education, economic support for families, employer engagement and monitoring. Providing access to education for former child laborers is essential. This helps them transition into the formal education system and fosters a better future. Economic support, such as micro-credit and vocational training, helps families increase their incomes. This breaks the cycle of poverty that often drives child labor. A monitoring and verification system that builds trust with factory owners is necessary. Sustainability of financial support mechanisms is vital for the long-term success. This tactic showed flexibility in adapting strategies to various industries. This can provides ideas for enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of initiatives. When implementing such a tactic, it is important to understand legal frameworks in different contexts. Public pressure, such as potential import bans, encouraged industries to align with global standards and consumer expectations.
New Tactics in Human Rights does not advocate for or endorse specific tactics, policies or issues.

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