- Dream about the community or world you hope to create!
- Imagine your community without the human rights problem you identified.
- Create a common vision for direction and purpose.
New Tactics differentiates between “vision” and “goals.” A vision is a source of inspiration which focuses on how we want the world to be in the future. Even as that vision seems unlikely in our own lifetime. This vision provides a directional compass. It provides decision-making criteria for developing goals. What vision aspects does your team have in common (or not in common) with each other. Take time to imagine a better world.
To reach the top of a mountain, there are many goals along the way. Your team must strategize and employ tactics to cross the difficult terrain of the mountain. The terrain changes between each goal. It is necessary to review your strategy and tactics between each goal. You will need to revise your actions according to obstacles and conditions you encounter along the way. There are times when conditions make movement impossible. Or a change to your approach will be necessary.
Each goal you reach in your journey of change is a victory and cause for celebration! It is important to understand that a vision reaches beyond this mountain top. When you reach the peak of this mountain, you will see the next mountain range you seek to climb. Each victory moves you toward the vision of change you want to create in the world. Your vision can be a compass to guide your direction as you work for meaningful change.
You want your vision statement to describe your hoped for outcome on the human rights issue you identified. Be sure to state your vision in a positive and hopeful way! Such a vision can motivate others to join you.
For support with this step, see Tips to Create Your Vision.